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Baby Brezza Formula Dispenser
Baby Brezza Formula Dispenser

Like a Keurig for babies, the Baby Brezza automatically makes warm bottles by combining just the right balance of powdered formula and milk in less than 30 seconds. It’s compatible with almost all bottle and powdered formula types, and since all the powdered formula is stored in an air-tight container, the Baby Brezza claims to cut down on contamination, while also reducing the risk of a dreaded formula spill during your next late-night feed. For the ultimate convenience, connect the machine to your WiFi, which will allow you to be able to make a bottle with the push of a button from your phone from your room.

2-10 oz. options
3 temp settings
Works with all formulas
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A Keurig for Baby Formula? A Closer Look at the Baby Brezza Formula Dispenser

Making a perfectly mixed bottle is as easy as pushing a button. Well, mostly.

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